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Learn to skate Sessions #2 starting Fridays January 12th, 2018. 5:45-6:30pm

Learn to Skate: Skill Development
Basic skills Group instruction, basic 1 - basic 8, ages 3 - adult
Session 2 starting January 12, 2018
Fridays 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM - (6 wks)

The CNHSA energetic and credentialed professional figure skating staff will guide skaters age 3 to adult through the essentials of beginner to advance levels of skating. Each group skating lesson will include a warm-up and review of skating skills. This will then be followed by skill work on specific elements required to pass the next USFSA level. The lesson will conclude with coach supervised practice. Every Group class will begin with a group warm up encompassing edge work using the USFSA Moves In The Field patterns, cardiovascular power skating and freestyle and position training.

For pricing info & register:


Group power & edge patterns & freestyle skills

Level - Free Style 1 and up

Session 2 starting January 12, 2018
Fridays 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM - (6 wks)

USFSA basic & freestyle skill levels  are designed to give skaters a strong foundation on which to build their skills. This is the point where the skater can choose whether to pursue a recreational or competitive approach to the sport of figure skating. Level Basic 8 and higher Skaters will be lead through the essentials of edge work and how to create power through correct positioning and correct use of blade. Every group class will begin with meditative school figures, cardiovascular power skating, and repetitive skills and position training.

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